Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It is, as all of you know, human nature to err. Please forgive us for any bugs in filesystem Basica, and co-operate with us by informing us about any possible bugs/exceptions you encounter.

There are some flaws in the system which we have spotted, and the next version will cover them efficiently.

1) When you want to create a new directory, including a file in it is a must, we will see to it that this is covered and only directory creation is possible in the next version.
2) Search Engine: Our experts are currently working upon a search technology and indexing function in the filesystem Basica, and we are sure to include it in a later version.
3) In-Built Advanced Text Editor: We are working upon a graphical, powerful, in-built text editor to create and edit files in one go.
4) Edit Files: filesystem Basica does NOT permit you to edit any file. This feature will be made available in a later release along with the text editor.
5) Log: filesystem Basica will have a history log in a later release that will store all the operations carried out by the user at the precise time, and date.
6) Copy-Paste/Cut-Paste/Moving: We will allow moving the location of files, or creating copies of them in a later release. Currently, we have only made the function to move basic text files (NOT INCLUDED), and we will expand upon it to Image I/O, Video I/O, Music I/O, etc. We are also creating an image viewer (GRAPHICAL, OBVIOUSLY) for the application, along with a music player with built-in video playing capability.
7) Capture the internet!!: We are working upon a mini-browser that will let you browse the internet efficiently. Also we are half-way through the process of creating a chat-client that lets you communicate with a different computer directly, instead of having user accounts, or anything like that.
8) Remote Access: Unexpected until v2.0.0, as work upon this feature has not been started yet.
9) Hardware Control: The filesystem Basica's current version does not access the hardware, or interact with it much. We will work upon it, but do not expect anything upon this until v3.0.0
10) Anti-Virus: An in-built anti-virus for filesystem Basica is expected to be made and released with it, but this will not be till v2.0.0, or v3.0.0, or even later.
11) We are going graphical!!!!!!!!!: Don't expect this until version 5 at the most!!!!!!!!

Any more bugs?? Post them on Softpedia as a user review, or comment here, or email to us@

1 comment:

  1. Well, Bug 1) has been fixed. A run-time bug came up, and was called as the bug cf-loop, which now has been resolved...

    Bug 5) being resolved now...
